Author of more than 70 books. Among them: Mesipurei Eretz Aavati (Tales from my beloved country), 1979 (21 printings); Hakotel (The Western Wall), with M. Ben Dov & Z. Aner, 1981, English edition, 1983, German edition, 1989; Please Meet Israel (English), 1983; Zmihato Shel Manhig (Emergence of a Leader - Pinhas Sapir), 1987; Laskov, 1988; The Good Old Days of Eretz Israel (Hebrew-English), 1989; Eretz Israel in the 20th Century, with D. Giladi 1990; The Aliya Book, 1991; Sefer Hamea (The Twentieth Century in Eretz Israel - A Pictorial Histoty), 1996, English and German editions, 1998; Jerusalem, City of Hope (English), 1996; Industry – The Story of the Manufacturers and the Israeli Industry, 2000; The Jewish People in the 20th Century – A Pictorial History, 2001; Zionism – The First 120 Years, 2002 (English); 17 stairs (a novel), 2004; The Israeli Press, 2004; The Eighth Column, 2006; Jerusalem – A City Embracing Light, with B. Gian, 2007; The Israel Lexicon, 2008; Israel 360 – The Panorama Book, 2008 (English); Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, 2009; Jerusalem 360 – The Panorama Book, 2010 (English); 100 Preserved Sites, with O. Regev, 2010; The Flying Camel – 85 Years of Exhibitions and Fairs in Tel Aviv, with B. Carmiel, 2010.
Editor of many books, as Encyclopaedia Britannica Lanoar, 1983, 1985; Idan historical series (17 volumes, 1983-1992); The Hagana Lexicon, 1992;. Editor, Kesher, a bi-annualy periodical on Jewish Press, Tel Aviv University 1987-2003.
Dr. Naor held public and academic positions: he was a senior lecturer in Tel Aviv University; the head of the department for Israel studies in Beit Berl College; the head of the educational committee for Israel studies on behalf of the Ministry of Education; and the Israel National Parks Authority chairman of the board. In 2010 he was appointed as the head of the council for preservation of the House of Independence in Tel Aviv (the house that hosted the declaration of the state of Israel in 1948). In addition, Dr. Naor is a curator and advisor for exhibitions of the recent past of the state of Israel. Recipient of Sokolov prize for journalism (2002), Herzl prize (2006) and Ben Gurion prize (2007).